Thursday, March 3, 2011

Smile :)

 Good Morning:
    Last night, right before I dozed off to sleep, I lie awake in my bed thinking about my life. Sounds kind of creepy, I know right...but listen. I was laying in my bed thinking about how truly blessed I have been. I'm 21 years old, I have my own place, three jobs, a college degree (well kind, an acceptance letter to a paid graduate school career, great parents, wonderful friends, a little extra money to spend and so much more. I thought about how much I complain and cry because of stupid shit. I need to stop complaining and start being grateful. Not everyone is on their grind, and opportunities don't come as easily to some people. From now on I'm going to walk around with a smile on my face and my head held high not because I can, but because I deserve to. Life is too short to be depressed. When the time comes someone will be sent my way to accompany me in my journey but I'm not going to beg for, search for, or cry over the fact that right now, this very moment he's not here. There is no reason I should not be happy and from now on my attitude will reflect my statement. Now I guess I better get back to work before this pile of paper on my desk I've been putting off work a couple days now grows any larger. Just remember that Life is Short...Live, Love, Laugh and most importantly...Smile :)

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