Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Home Sick..

         Okay okay I'll admit it...I'm home sick! Well actually, I'm not home sick, I'm just sick of Springfield. I'm sick of being alone here. I'm sick of being bored. I'm sick of the fact that I have to constantly call my friends and family and check my Twitter to stay in touch. I'm sick of laying in the big ass bed with no company. I'm sick of working 3 jobs. I'm sick of the mall, this target, the lack of social life, the weak ass people, I'm just sick of Springfield!! Ugh! I want to go home and kick it with my friends, chill over peoples houses, go to the show on Monday, Pepes on Tuesday and on random adventures the rest of the week. I freaking want 2 white castles with katchup and pickle and a suicide lemonade from Baba's! Dammit!! Get me out of here! And to make things worse, I have to spend yet another 2 years in this hell hole for grad school! Someone please pray for me. I need it now more then ever!

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